Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pendants by Piercebody.com

The term pendant derives from the Latin " pendere " to hang down. Historically, the first jewelry piece worn by a human was 15,000 years ago in Africa. The jewelry piece was made of bones. In the period of Stone Age Man around 75,000 years ago, the jewelry used were the snail shell left to dangle from their necklaces. Pendants had been in use as a jewelry form from the period of Pharaohs to the Maoris.The pendant is considered to be the most attractive and charming is a gold pendant from 324 AD at the reign of Constantine the Great and with the time the trend of pendant jewelry from Victorian jewelry, Edwardian period ,and retro.

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Dermal Piercing - The new wave!

Dermal AnchorsDermal Anchor - the new piercing trend
Dermal anchor or dermal piercing is similar to single-point pocketing. It's where you put the base of the jewelry (dermal anchor base) under the skin and where only the top part appears.

The piercing procedure is simpler than the one for transdermal. While the healing time, if taken the proper precautions, is great. You'll never notice you have it all along. Plus since our dermal anchors are made of Surgical steel (top part) and Titanium G23 (base part), they are hypoallergenic and very safe to use.

Our collection of dermal anchors contains anchors with different logo on them, with balls and cones. With colorful cubic zirconia stones and some are plain and simple but totally funky once used. They also comes in different sizes. You can check them out here and see what you have been missing.